
Hi, welcome!

I write about finding joy in the BIG moments and the little things. Let’s be happy together :)



This weekend at church we celebrated our church band´s 15th birthday. 🎉 Fifteen years of songs, concerts, tours, videos, and most importantly, 15 years of WORSHIP. 

The power music has to take you back in time is wild! I was shocked to catch myself singing every single word of songs I hadn´t heard in years. Just hearing the first guitar strums or beat of the drums was enough to make it all come back. I cried during the same parts of the songs as I did when I was twelve. I jumped enthusiastically in the pre-choruses like I did when I was fifteen. And I felt God the same way I did back then, but also in a new, deeper way. I know I´m only 25, but somehow listening to these songs from so long ago made me feel much older. It made me pause and look back at everything I´ve experienced with God on the front row of our church buildings, in my room, on airplanes on my way to my new beginnings, in the car, at a friend´s house, at school when I put my headphones in to make a secular moment a sacred one… God has been here every step of the way. He is consistent. He is faithful. He is near. He was, is, and will continue to be. 

I couldn´t help but think of all the ¨yesses¨ it took to get to fifteen years. All the times each member of the band gave God a ¨yes¨ over the years. I know for a fact that anything significant that blesses the Church comes because a high price was paid in the secret place. I´ve seen it in my parents´ lives and experienced it in my own. The best songs, sermons, and expressions of art for God come from the secret place, from continual surrender, and the sum of quiet and bold ¨yesses¨. 

The four-minute song I sing in my devotional cost someone months, maybe years, of inner work with God. That is why I am grateful for the band´s ¨yesses¨ to God. In every season, through every hardship, the members of the band continued to give God their faith-filled, surrendered ¨yes¨. So, Generación 12, today I want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for being brave in your pursuit of God; thank you for not settling for the outer courts and learning to go deeper into His presence to lead us there; thank you for your obedience, sacrifice, and trust. Thank you!

I wonder what God could do through my yes… through your yes. What could be possible if we continued to tell Him ¨yes¨, if we continued to trust, if we continued to press into His faithfulness? I wonder how many books haven´t been written because we thought one ¨yes¨ was enough… How many songs didn´t make it out of the notebook because we were afraid of a ¨no¨… How many people have yet to be impacted by God´s love story because we stopped telling ours. 

Our first ¨yes¨ to Jesus was really only the beginning. Every day we get to tell Him ¨yes¨ again by the way we seek Him, how we love others, by sticking it out when it gets hard, and trusting He is at work. Our quiet ¨yesses¨ will sum up to something great and powerful. I am sure of it. Your ¨yes¨ to Him today is significant, it matters. Your ¨yes¨ can make the way for someone else to say ¨yes¨ to Him, too. And isn´t that what it´s all really about? 

¨Say a quiet yes to God and He'll be there in no time.¨ James 4:8 MSG

Your friend, 

Nadia Kay 🌟