
Hi, welcome!

I write about finding joy in the BIG moments and the little things. Let’s be happy together :)



Hi friends, I am so happy you're back! This month we´ve been inspired by three guests who shared their stories about their businesses. There's something about January that makes us aim high. But what happens when it's the end of February and we haven't even made a dent in our goals?

In an interview I had with my aunt (Natasha Kay Coaching), my aunt said something that really stuck with me: ¨Unmotivation happens when we lack a motive, or need a new one¨. This is why this month I wanted to bring stories to inspire you and help you remember your ¨wny¨. If you missed any of the three amazing stories, I´ll link them right here so you can enjoy them:



Health & Finances:


Hope for breakfast:


I think it's important for inspiration to mature into action. Today, I want to share with you six practical tips I learned from our three guests so that you and I can also enjoy the fulfillment of our dreams!

1.Prove our insecurities wrong.

Daniela Roa said, ¨I started this to help women, but also to show myself that I was made of much more than just my insecurities..¨ Friend, we are SO MUCH MORE than the fears and insecurities. I can even prove it to you from the Bible:

In Judges six, Gideon tells God he's not the guy for the job because he is too poor, his family is the least important in the nation, and he´s a little bitter to get up and fight right now. God says, ¨Go in the strength you have...Am I not sending you?¨. God saw in Gideon what he didn't even see in himself, can I get an amen?

2.Be proactive with what we have.

¨The difference between a business that grows and one that stagnates is the way resources are used. Your resources are your time, your talents, your money, etc.¨ (Daniela Roa) I love the story of the widow in 2 Kings 4. God multiplied what she had (and borrowed from others). God wants to multiply what you and I have to bless our families and others, but how can He bless what we ignore, don´t care for, and complain about?

3.Turn our job into our calling.

In the interview with my dad, he said, ¨I came to the conclusion that there is no separation between serving God and doing business.¨ Paul said something worth mentioning, ¨Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men, knowing that you will receive the reward of an inheritance from the Lord. You serve the Lord Christ¨ (Colossians 3:23-24). When we do everything for the Lord, serving our family, running our business, and preaching the Word are ALL acts of service to God. Serving God is a heart posture; so, what would happen if we started treating our day jobs as missionary fields? What if we worked with the same passion that we serve at church with, or vice versa?

4.Virtual business and networks are the new way to do business. #EmbraceTheNewNormal

My dad shared how he´s able to obtain a very large profit with minimal expenses. Before you think success isn't for you and only reserved for a special few, allow me to remind you that Jesus came so that you could have life in abundance! If you were looking for a formula for success, I would share these five things I´ve seen in my dad as he´s conquered his dream:

Faith in God's promises + Prayer + Clear goals + Hard work + Perseverence

For those of you that don´t know, I used to dance. For years, I took classes with Diana Melo, and I admire the way she's taken on the new normal to reinvent herself. How is a dance teacher supposed to teach without a studio? On Zoom. She´s launched a really cool program for young kids and their moms. This is her Instagram: @somosmamamia . People like Diana didn't let the pandemic become an excuse to stop working for their dreams, instead, they embraced the change and rose above the odds.

5.The need can be the start of something great.

Saida said, ¨Everything started with a need and the money came as a result of me accepting the challenge.¨Perspective is such a powerful thing, and when we're able to shift our concept from lack to opportunity, we take the first steps to fulfilling our dream. Being ready is not a requirement to start. I am not saying to make decisions on a whim, no. We need to pray, look for a promise in the Word of God, and learn from those who´ve paved the way so we don't make the same mistakes.

6.The best WHY is when it stops being about just me.

¨It wasn´t just about the income, but about sharing hope and making others happy on a special day.¨ (Saida Calderón) One day, the debts will be paid, the product will be out, and you will have ¨made it´. But will you be happy? Did your life´s work change lives for the better? If there is anything the life of Jesus teaches me, and there are many things, is that impact is better than impressing. Jesus did not live to impress others, He took every step to impact the world He created. I want to impact lives before I impress them. I know you have a dream inside of you, and if it's a God.dream, I can assure you it's so much bigger than just you.

¨You can not use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.¨ -Maya Angelou

Your friend,

Nadia Kay