
Hi, welcome!

I write about finding joy in the BIG moments and the little things. Let’s be happy together :)



Last week we were inspired by Daniela Roa´s story about how she started Mitigadores. (If you missed it, I recommend you read it after this, she is so inspiring!)

Today we have a very special guest: a man of faith, a great cook, known for how funny and passionate he is. I know him as Dad, you know him as Pastor Alfredo, but today we´re going to get to know him as a visionary businessman.

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N: Welcome Dad, I´m so happy you are joining us today! For the last 28 years, you´ve dedicated yourself to preaching the gospel to the world. What many don't know is that your passion to serve God doesn't end at the pulpit, but spills over into every area of your life, including business. Why is it important that as Christians we participate in the business world?

A: As a man who has followed God for so many years, I came to the conclusion that there is no separation between serving God and doing business. The Bible teaches us that the father of faith, Abraham, was very very wealthy (Genesis 13: 2). Abraham had five sources of income: land, cattle, tents, gold, and silver. One of the reasons he had to separate from Lot was because of the overabundance he had, there wasn't enough room for both of them. On the other hand, the way Jesus multiplied into disciples is actually the main network model that exists today. He started with his first 12 apostles and told them to do the same. They did, and this is how such a large network of Christians has been created around the world. One of the Rhema words I have for my business is John 21: 6, ¨And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.” God used something to catch a lot of fish, He used a net. In a similar way, I believe that the network system is one of the businesses of the future. I might even say it's one of the sources of provision of the future, especially during these times where technology is advancing so rapidly,

N: I like what you said about networks. Are you currently working in one?

A: Yes, I am part of a company that targets one of the greatest needs of the moment: to boost the immune system and rejuvenate. The company is called Immunotec, something I really like is that there are many people, especially in high positions who are Christians. I like working in this network for many reasons, one of them is that it allowed me to make progress in a different nation than the one I live in, where I confirmed more than 40 clients. When I put everything on the balance scale, I didn't have to spend money on airfare or a hotel. The only trip I made was from my room to the computer in the office. I didn't need new clothes or need to spend money on food. But in every Zoom meeting I did, there were people from different cities. If that had to be done in person, like before, I wouldn't have reached so many people. The result was obtaining a very large profit with minimal expenses. The advantage of working in networks, and more so now that everything is virtual, is that one can reach people who are in distant places, putting together an agenda with meeting times that adapt to the people interested. We can obtain exponential growth at minimum cost and minimum physical, mental, and financial weariness. In the company that I am in, what I like the most is that the key is not sales but leadership. If you multiply yourself in leaders you can form a very solid organization. The consequence of good leadership results in great sales. In my team, those who have succeeded the most are not those who know how to sell, but those who have good leadership.

N: Awesome dad! I am a witness that you are an excellent leader for everyone on your team. You always motivate us to dream big and empower us to work toward those goals. Now, why don't you tell us about the Immunotec products? I have personally seen a very significant improvement in my health. What is Immunocal about?

A: Thank you hijita for your words. Well, there are countless vitamins, proteins, and antioxidants on the market. Most of them are very good. But why do I like Immunotec? Because we are the only ones in the world who have an exclusive patent on a cysteine ​​that is a precursor of the stem cell called glutathione. In other words, what the human body cannot get from foods that contain this amino acid, Immunocal provides in a 10-gram sachet of cysteine ​​that has no contraindications. For each sachet, 30 liters of cow's milk with a tiny percentage of lactose are used, which means it does not affect people who have problems with lactose.

N: You´re using big words, Dad haha. Explain to us what cysteine ​​is for.

A: Between the age of 20 and 25, the human being begins an aging process that was set by the Creator. At age 40, this process accelerates, leading to a decrease in the immune system. When the immune system deteriorates, the body's defenses are lowered and diseases can begin. Our cysteine ​​boosts the immune system by strengthening the stem cell called glutathione and rejuvenating it. In my case, two years ago I was suffering from hypertension. What causes this condition is diet and aging that clogs the arteries. After two years of taking Immunocal, cysteine ​​did its job of strengthening the stem cells and restoring the arteries. Hypertension completely disappeared, in addition to seeing a general strengthening and improvement in my body.

N: It´s true, I saw how God restored your health through Immunocal. Mom also started taking it two years ago, just like me. We have each experienced improvement in our bodies because Immunocal nourished our cells. This is not medicine, it´s food for your cells. Who can and should take Immunocal?

A: Everyone! From children, babies, teens, young people, athletes, parents, grandparents, but especially people who are over 40 because they already have a deterioration in the stem cell. However, everyone should take it. Children and young people should do this to prepare their bodies for the aging process. I thought that doing sports would help keep me healthy, and there is some truth to that, but if we look at the lives of professional athletes we can see that they have a short athletic life because of the physical demand. Everyone goes through the aging process, even athletes. Demanding the body to have such a high athletic level has a big impact on the body, and produces free radicals because of the great oxygenation. Immunocal is ideal for athletes; it's been proven that in competitions, the athlete who drinks our product doesn't have cramps or injuries, and recovers much faster. I also want to share that I´ve been impressed by the amazing restorations in patients with two of the most serious diseases in the world, AIDS, and cancer. Just like Jesus used the dirt to heal the blind man, I´ve seen how He´s used Immunocal as the element to bring restoration to many people´s health.

N: Awesome. I think that for us, Immunotec is that oil God gave us to enjoy good health but also to multiply and experience prosperity. As a family, we acknowledge that God is the only source for health and provision. God is a creative God and uses things like this company and product to bless His children. Okay, Dad, to close, where can our readers get more information about the product and the company?

A: That's right hijita. They can visit my personal page, or my wife´s:



If you, or someone you know, is facing a health battle and want to be guided in the process of cell restoration, you can email at pastoralfredog12@gmail.com. You can also write to me if you are interested in the business, Immunotec offers several ways to receive income.

Thanks, Dad for your time! And thanks to each of you for visiting the blog. I appreciate and value your support more than you know. I hope you were inspired and motivated to do something different and get different results.

Your friend,

Nadia kay